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龙山环境论坛(第100期)——特邀英属哥伦比亚大学Tianjia Liu助理教授来我校作学术报告
2024年09月18日    作者:     发布 : 李梦轩    

报告题目:Fires and society: Connections to air quality, public health, and land use and management

报告人: Tianjia Liu 博士



主持人:李柯 教授

报告摘要:Fire is an essential Earth system process with unique human influences through land use and management and multifaceted impacts on planetary health. Under climate warming, we must navigate severe fire seasons and grapple with the modern human-fire relationship through the lens of air quality and public health, policy and human livelihoods, ecosystems, and the global carbon budget. Here I discuss the current state of advances and challenges with three excerpts from India, Equatorial Asia, and North America. In north India, farmers set post-harvest fires to quickly and cheaply clear crop residues and prepare fields for the next crop. I showed how delays in post-monsoon agricultural fires, coupled with increasing rice production, have exacerbated regional air pollution, an inadvertent consequence, in part, of a policy designed to alleviate groundwater shortages by shifting rice planting closer to monsoon rains. In Indonesia, forest fires are associated with deforestation and palm oil production; the severity of the fire season is closely tied to large-scale climate patterns, which manifests in escaped peat fires during drought years. I implemented a framework with land use change, fire emissions, and atmospheric transport components to quantify the public health impacts, as well as potential benefits from future land management scenarios. In North America, recent fire seasons include extreme wildfires, stemming from hot and dry conditions, fuel build-up from a legacy of fire suppression, and a growing wildland-urban interface. I developed an algorithm using geostationary satellite data to map large wildfire progression at hourly intervals, which resolves periods of extreme fire spread. I then investigated the influence of weather, topography, and suppression on wildfire growth and structure loss. Looking ahead, I aim to integrate the next generation of satellite data to improve fire tracking, prediction, and emissions inventories, model the sensitivity of fires to new climate extremes, and dissect fire-related impacts and opportunities for mitigation.

报告人简介:刘天佳(Tina Liu)博士,2017本科毕业于哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)环境科学专业, 2022年博士毕业于哈佛大学(Harvard University)地球与行星科学专业后在哈佛大学和加州大学尔湾分校(University of California, Irvine)从事博士后研究。在博士和博士后期间分别荣获美国NSF研究生奖学金和NOAA博士后奖学金 (NOAA Climate and Global Change Postdoctoral Fellowship Program) 的资助。入职英属哥伦比亚大学(The University of British Columbia; UBC) 地理系担任助理教授。

主要研究方向为结合遥感技术、图像处理与分析地理信息系统数据科学和大气模型等技术方法,探索人类活动野火的关系,火在地球系统中的作用以及极端事件对全球健康的影响。共发表论文26篇, 其中第一作者11篇, 论文被引用1600 余次。另有专业专著章节1部。作为召集人和分会主席多次主持美国地球物理联合会AGU年会分会场2019年应印尼政府的邀请,分别做5场专题报告和特别演讲,被50余家媒体和报纸报道。







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