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特邀新加坡国立大学Alex Lee教授来校做学术报告
2017年05月04日    作者: 环科院    发布 : 环科院    

报告题目:Single particle characterization of carbonaceous aerosol in urban environments: 

报告人:Alex Lee教授 



报告人简介:Alex Lee joined the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the National University of Singapore as an Assistant Professor in 2016. He obtained his B.Eng, M.Phil and Ph.D in Chemical Engineering from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Research with Prof. Chak Chan and Prof. Arthur Lau). He pursued his postdoctoral research with Prof. Jonathan Abbatt at the Department of Chemistry, University of Toronto from 2009 to 2016. His current research focuses on atmospheric processing, characterization and source apportionment of carbonaceous aerosol particles through both laboratory and field studies. Alex has been a scientific member of many large-scale field campaigns in North America and Canadian High Arctic in collaborating with government and academic institutes. He also actively involves the development of real-time mass spectrometry techniques for atmospheric applications. 


报告介绍:Atmospheric black carbon (BC) can play a critical role influencing regional air quality, human health, and climate. Incomplete fossil fuel combustion and biomass burning are primary sources of ambient BC. Coatings can be formed on BC surface during emissions and transports, modifying physical and chemical properties of BC. Understanding the mixing state of ambient BC and the characteristics of its associated coating materials are essential to evaluate their environmental impacts. A real-time analytical technique with a single particle detection capability is an ideal approach to quantify the mixing state of atmospheric particles. Quantification of a tiny amount of single particle material at the femtogram level is, however, a great analytical challenge. This work demonstrates the first time application of an Aerodyne soot particle aerosol mass spectrometer (SP-AMS) to examine the sources and mixing state of carbonaceous aerosol (i.e., BC and organic) in different urban environments. The new measurements capability provides quantitative insights into the optical properties and volatility of BC-containing particles emitted from traffic and forest fire. 







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